A Brochure for all Newcomers in Heidelberg

There are many people and organizations in Heidelberg who work for refugees and migrants. So far, however, there has been no central overview of these different actors and their projects. This brochure aims to provide a first overview for refugees, migrants, and anyone interested. It is a comprehensive collection of Heidelberg’s initiatives, as well as important contacts and offices.

It is primarily aimed at newcomers to help them arrive and find their way around Heidelberg. But this brochure is also intended to give an insight into the range of projects and services in Heidelberg to those who are involved in the field of flight, migration and anti-discrimination.

None of these offers, projects, and initiatives in Heidelberg would be possible without the commitment of volunteers and full-time employees of the various institutions and authorities. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank all those who work for the people in Heidelberg. A special “Thank You” goes to everyone who contributed to the creation of this brochure.

It is available in English (PDF, not accessible) and German (PDF, nicht barrierefrei).